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10 reasons why cars are better than people

We humans have thought ourselves the master race for millennia, but one question has been nagging at us for some time now. It’s a question that a lot of car lovers have secretly asked themselves but never dared to speak aloud. Are cars better than people? We certainly love them; we spend a lot of time on them and some of us even name them. But can they be better? Maybe they can!?

Well, let’s take a look at a 10 reasons why cars might be better than people:

1) Cars can travel over 200mph. The fastest man (Usain Bolt) can travel at a relatively trudging maximum of 23.7mph.

2) Modern car bodies are made of sheet steel, aluminium and tough carbon fibre and can withstand terrific impacts. Human bodies are made mainly of water and can’t.

3) The newest cars have an autopilot system that can avoid accidents without a driver touching the wheel. People on autopilot walk into a room and forget why they went in there.

4) Cars perform best when topped up with noxious fuel. People perform worst when topped up with noxious fuel.

5) Your car won’t mind being left outside all night.

6) Cars now feature DVD players, digital stereos and on-board computers. People do not.

7) Cars can be powered in an environmentally friendly way by being charged with electricity. People don’t react well to electricity.

8) Cars don’t mind if birds use them as toilets. People get quite annoyed by this.

9) Cars can comfortably carry five people. Few humans can do the same.

10) Cars can usually be repaired with a spanner.