Alfa Romeo Automobiles S.p.A. was founded in Milan on June 24, 1910 as A.L.F.A (which means Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili). The company has a solid reputation for producing pricey sports cars, and since 1911 the company has been heavily involved in motor sport, including Formula One, Grand Prix MotorSport, Sportscar Racing, Touring Car Racing and rallies.
From 1932 to 1986, Alfa Romeo was owned Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale, and then became part of the Fiat Group, as it remains today.
The Alfa Romeo Arna was a joint collaboration with Nissan and didn't look like your average Alfa Romeo car. Despite having a good quality Alfa engine, everything else was nowhere near up to Alfa quality, and went on to flop in the market.
In 1954, the company produced its own version of the famous Babman's Bat mobile, with their own concept the Alfa BAT 7. Even back in 1954, the car had an amazing drag coefficient of 0.19.